Blog #2-Understanding Bioavailability

Have you ever jumped to taking a therapeutic dose of Vitamin C yet the uncomfortable side effects of diarrhea arise instead?

The limits of bioavailability is what causes this discomfort and is major factor in the function of the bodies physiology.

Bio availability is a term with two very important meanings.

  • It is the natural route in which Vitamin C or any other nutrient is absorbed.


  • The way in which a Pharmaceutical Drug, a Nutraceutical Supplement or injections bypass or Bio-hacks the limitations of the bodies physiology.

Science has proven that the gut and the skin function better with increased and balanced bacterial diversity. It is also imperative to note a healthy biome is essential in this balance. Biodynamic farming is a great example of how bio-diversity yields not only healthier plants but a more resilient ecosystem.

Naturopathic Physicians specialize in maximizing your body’s access to critical nutrients. This is to ensure that the vehicle (remember our car analogy from blog 1 here) in which you enjoy your life is functioning on premium fuel.

A Naturopath is a complimentary practitioner akin to adding a primer maintenance package to a wellness team and the benefits are immeasurable .

Consider working with Dr. Bonita Wilcox by booking a free 15 min call below or visit to find a medically trained Naturopathic Physician near you. ©


Blog #3-Give a bear hug for the Belonging Molecule Oxytocin.


Blog #1- Complementary Care and Chronic Wellness